RN Industry 2022
Garbage Transfer Equipment’s are a type of garbage truck specifically designed for the collection and compaction of solid waste from residential, commercial, and industrial areas. These trucks are commonly used in urban and suburban waste management operations. The key feature of a rear garbage compactor is its hydraulic compaction system located at the rear of the vehicle. Here are some important features and characteristics of rear garbage compactors.
The term Special vehicle is often used to describe vehicles that are customized or adapted for particular functions beyond typical transportation. We have different variety of Special vehicle designed for specific purposes.
Medical vehicles play a crucial role in healthcare system bv providing on-the-go medical services, transporting patients, and delivering medical supplies. These vehicles are specially designed and equipped to meet the unique requirements of medical emergencies, patient transport, and mobile healthcare services. We have several types of medical vehicles commonly used in the healthcare industry.
Our vacuum and Combined truck and , are specialized vehicle designed to remove and transport various types of liquids, sludge, solids, and debris by creating a vacuum within its tank or container. Vacuum trucks are commonly used in industrial, municipal, and environmental applications to handle waste, clean out sewers, perform oil and gas industry tasks, and tackle a range of other jobs.
Control of the production process by our own engineers
Providing service with sales and service points in 6 countries belonging to our company
Competitive pricing
Professional sales engineers and regional managers
Our staff it is in Bauma exhibition, located in Munich Germany, to meet our bussines partners and customers
New unit of 3.5 ton hooklift is going to our Rumania assambly location 📌 This Hooklift model are suitable for 5-8 ton GVW chassis